3 stocks that did not back down to the virus

3 stocks that did not back down to the virus

2020-03-20 • Atualizado

Walmart: standing tall

While a number of stocks lost up to 50% of their value because of the coronavirus, Walmart, although going through obvious turbulence, did significantly better than 99% of its peers. Ironically enough, its performance in 2020 is +1%. Under normal market conditions, it would hardly be a reason to brag. But when the market gets decimated sector by sector, this one-percent-strong performance is like the only whole stone left from a destroyed tower.

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Amazon: with a straight face

The same can be said about Amazon. In fact, there is no visual sign of a problem with this stock. Yes, there was a sharp rise to $2,190, then a fall to $1,690, some would say “that’s a 22% drop!”. True, but the drop taken alone brings little constructive information. You have to look strategic: the stock was at $1915 at the beginning of 2020. Since then, it made its rise and fall, but now it is almost exactly there. Trading at $1,878, it is only a few dozens of dollars away from $1,915. In view of the enormous almost two-thousand-dollar value of this stock, this $37 gap may be well forgiven.

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Netflix: not bad

Netflix entered January 2020 at $322 per share. Currently, it trades at $332. Although it suffered a plunge to $295 from its recent top at $390 – “almost a 100$ drop for a previously-400-dollar stock”, one can say – still, we look at the results. The virus is still around, some stocks are still down, but Netflix is $10 higher than where it was before the virus-caused crisis. Well done and keep the mark.

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Uma semana decisiva para o índice do S&P 500 e para o USD
Uma semana decisiva para o índice do S&P 500 e para o USD

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